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"Yes" | street0 | 18


Tanya clutched the remnants of her blouse to herself and reluctantly obeyed Mr. Chambers' summons. Ever since Ms. Dobrova had gone on sudden maternity leave at the start of the school year, Mr. Chambers has been the girls' gym teacher and coach. He was also taking care of the cheer squad, and rumours of his personal requirements for the girls was one reason Tanya hadn't tried out this year.

"Why weren't you in gym today?" he asked.

Tanya minced her feet and clutched the torn blouse closer to her breasts. Mr. Hamilton, the boys' gym teacher, and Mr. Gerard, the football coach, were staring at her barely covered boobs, her stained skirt, and the trails of cum running from her skirt to her boots.

Hesitantly, she spoke up. "Phil and his friends raped me, sir."

"What?" Mr. Chambers clearly knew something. "Did you say no to the sex?"

"I said yes, but..."

"Bullshit!" her gym teacher raised his voice. "I know Phil. He's a good boy. You are lying, and your skirt says yes even if you had said no. Don't you dare accuse anyone of that again."

Tany swallowed nervously. She couldn't protest. This was ridiculous. She told the truth. The teacher shouldn't be mad at her. This was grossly unfair. But she was cursed to agree. "Yes, sir. I won't."

"That's better. Get us four beers from the mini-fridge and we'll discuss how you are going to apologize to Phil for spreading lies."

This was too weird. Drinking in school? "But the drinking age is 21," Tanya spoke up.

"What the hell do you think this is, the movies?" Mr. Chambers responded. "This is real life. We drink and the cops like it. Get us beers, get yourself a beer, sit your slutty ass down, and we'll talk over your punishment."

The mini-fridge was by the door. Tanya walked over. Her thighs were sticking together with cum, so she spread her legs a bit. She had to bend down at the waist, not the knees -- Phil gave clear instructions earlier. Her leather boots hugged her calves as they arched out, and her skirt rode up, revealing her bare ass and pussy. Long, pale legs stretched in-between.

She felt the three teachers watching her, appraising the smoothness of her legs. She had to let go of her shredded blouse to grab the beers, and it fell off. Her bare, lissome back was exposed to the view. She couldn't cover herself and still get the beers. Damn.

Tanya grabbed four cans of beer, stood up and turned. Her toplessness became very manifest. She walked over to the gym office table and, her breasts swaying freely, handed beers to the teachers. She then set her own beer down, pulled up her skirt as is proper, and sat down, naked ass on the chair.

Mr. Chambers, Mr. Hamilton, and Mr. Gerard ogled her, intrigued.


How do the gym teachers punish Tanya?

          They ask her to do some favors.


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