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A Pirate's Tale | Anoro | 1


The ship clove through the waves as she sailed upon the seas. The wind had picked up causing the flag atop her mast waving. The captain stood at the prow of her ship. Her name was Layla Morgana. None dared called her this though. To the ships she raided she was known as the Satin Fist. She was known to be as deadly as she was beautiful. Every ship she found was burned and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. The men and women that survived were found clinging to bits of flotsam, Satin took no prisoners. To her crew she was known simply as Captain Morgana. Only one dared to call her Layla onboard the ship, and then only in the privacy of her captain's quarters. The captain looked up at the crow's nest where her first mate was standing sentry looking for ships loot.

/By the gods I hope we find something soon, nothing gets me more horny then raiding a ship, the captain thought as she turned back towards her cabin already believing this day to be another waste. Behind her she heard a rubbing noise and then a thump. The captain turned around and looked behind her. There stood her first mate, obviously she had used the gang lines of the ship to come down quickly.

"Captain, there is a merchant vessel on the horizon to the north of us!" the first mate piped, standing at attention.

"Thank you first mate Cora." The captain rushed across the ship yelling to the men and the women of the crew to start preparing there was a merchant vessel on the horizon and she wanted it on the sea bottom by that night. As the the ships sails unfurled and the oars dipped into the water Captain Morgana returned to her first mate Cora. She reached up and rubbed the tip of her first mate's pointy ears causing Ms. Cora's legs to quiver and her juices to quiver.

"You did good my dear.", the captain whispered into her ears already thinking back to when she first found her.

Valeria Cora was the name of her first mate. She stood roughly five and a half feet tall. Her hair fell down to her shoulders tied back into a braid. She had quite a large bust on a woman of her stature. She was lithe and quick and her violet eyes flashed in the sun. Her skin was no longer fair but she was not as tanned as the skin of Layla. The captain stood several hands above her and was deeply tanned from her years on the sea. Layla Morgana was roughly six foot tall with dark brown hair to her shoulders and brown eyes with a bust much larger than her first mate's and were wrapped tightly just as her first mates so that they would not interfere in their upcoming fight.

Valeria was the only elf on board the ship. She was the only nonhuman that the crew and anyone else she had met had ever seen. The captain had found her during a expedition several years earlier in the far corners of the world. She had been enamored with the beautiful elf and captured her taking her as a pet to her ship. Over the years Valeria proved trustworthy and loyal to the captain and had been made first mate of the ship.

"We should reach there by sundown my captain", Valeria spoke as she stared towards the horizon where the merchant ship lay.


Meanwhile on the merchant ship a young man had just entered his room. His name was Zakary Hawk. He stared around at the small room he had been given in the bottom of the ship and sighed as he sat down on the bed. He was traveling to the main land from the islands that he had grown up and spent most of his life. He started to train in his room exercising hard as his mind whirled. He had hoped to become a mage but had been rejected by the Mages Academy. He had been devastated. He clearly thought he could be a mage, he could even see the lines of mana begging for him to touch and to wield, but the Headmasters at the academy had passed his verdict saying that while he could see the lines, a feat not common even among most high mages, that it did not mean he could wield them.

Zak afterwards had decided that he could no longer remain in his home town that to much reminded him of his failed dream. He decided to travel to the mainland and become a warrior. He smiled at how far he had come in the last few years training his body harder then his normal routine. As he looked into the mirror in his room he smiled. He was a regular looking human standing about 5'10". His hair was short and dark black and his eyes were a bright blue. He was fair skinned, but it was quickly tanning under the days on board the ship. He did not look the part of a warrior. His muscles were not huge and powerful, but they were well defined giving him a slender but strong look.

Zak looked stopped exercising judging by how far his candles had burned down that it was sundown and almost time to go get something to eat. He sat on his bed and took out his journal. He did not have much besides the journal since he had sold most of his possessions to pay for the trip aboard the merchant vessel. As the tip of his quill touched the paper his door burst open.

Zak looked up in alarm in the shattered remains of the doorway was a woman. She did not look like anyone he had met on board. He had met most of the crew when he first came aboard and met the rest as the shipped sailed. In her right hand there was a rapier and in her left hand the was a dagger. As Zak dropped his book he stumbled backwards falling onto the bed. The woman leaped into the room her sword at ease but her dagger poised in her hand ready to strike. Her body blocked the candlelight as the woman lunged towards Zak her dagger glittering in the light and...


Who is the woman and what does she have in store for our hero Zak?

          Valerie appears with a hint of lust.


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