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John Almighty | Murakami | 9


Tom's first class was his least favorite: Mathematics. Tom just didn't like math, or any of his science courses. He enjoyed art, music, and even English, but any class involving math was just something he tolerated. He ran into the classroom and grabbed his seat, beating the teacher, Mrs. Madison, by a narrow margin. She was an older woman, probably almost ready to retire, and her teaching style was very regimented. Tom had been on the receiving end of her ire a few times for running in after she was in the room, even if not technically late.

As the bell rang, Mrs. Madison began calling attendance, and after supplying his own 'here', Tom's mind began to wander back to what had happened on the bus. He still couldn't believe it. as Mrs. Madison droned on through the long list, He had a stray thought: "If only she was young and sexy, maybe I'd try to like math."

Something about Mrs. Madison's voice seemed a bit odd, and when Tom looked up , he froze. Mrs. Madison was getting younger before his eyes! Her short graying hair turned jet black, growing rapidly down her back, somehow braiding itself into a ponytail as it went. Her wrinkly skin became soft,smooth and lightly tanned, and as Tom looked on, her formerly nonexistent boobs first picked themselves up and then began to grow from perhaps a small b cup, quickly passing C and into small D. She grew slightly taller and her waist pulled in, which was emphasized as her long, matronly skirt pulled in with it, changing to a softer, less severe material and cut, her formal blouse becoming more light, airy, and slightly tighter. Her voice grew gradually less harsh and more soothing, a nice contralto tone as she went through the last of her checklist.

Tom looked around the room. No one had apparently noticed the change, just like on the bus. Somehow, whatever had happened there had followed him.

"Time to turn in your homework," Mrs. Madison told the class in her new, sexy voice, bringing Tom back to reality.


What will he think of next?

          A show to start


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