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Sexy Black Boots | BenjiDude | 15


Slowly you stir, as you open your eyes you see your mistress still lying on the bed fast asleep. Carefully rolling over so as not to wake her you look at the bedside clock, it’s only been a couple of hours. Smiling to yourself you roll back over staying close to Mistress. As your eyes wonder over her form, you look at her shoes, her wonderful high heeled hoes shoes. Then you see some of her juices have settled on them, “That won’t do” you said softly reaching down to remove them. With a gentle touch you’re able to remove them, “Best get these cleaned before they get stained” you thought to yourself as you take them to the kitchen naked.

Getting a sponge and some warm water you lightly scrub away at Mistress’s drying juices. It doesn’t take long to get them cleaned but all this time you’ve been away from Mistress and the longing to be near her is intense. You look at her shoes and get an idea. Quickly placing the shoes on the floor you slip one foot in, it’s difficult at first but with a bit of force your large feet slide in, your next foot follows suit. Wanting to be close to Mistress you quickly zip up the boots and instantly feel yourself changing. Your muscle mass disappears, replaced with smooth feminine curves as you penis recedes back into your body and forms a sensitive pussy, all the while your new breasts develop on your chest. As your transformation nears its completion you feel your mind changing, things are becoming clearer and your conditioning is being wiped away, you’re no longer a slave to Courtney.

Smiling to yourself you head to the bathroom and inspect your new self, as expected you look like Courtney and yet it’s still clearly you, “Well this could be fun” you say to yourself as you look down at your naked breasts, no bigger than a handful, you picture them larger and sure enough they grow larger quickly becoming two large handfuls, “This is going to be fun!” you correct yourself, marvelling at your powers.

As you’re looking at yourself in the mirror you hear Courtney murmur and fidget on the bed, reminding you of what she did, “Hmm what to do about her?” you ask aloud.


What do you do with Courtney?


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