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Hobo mania | Alpha_Beta | 2


You head to the nearby Mega-Mart, Jebus, you haven't been in this neck of the woods since you lost your job. You kind of enjoy the street furniture, better that dog shit and garbage cans, but you could do without the lingering dirty looks from suited types.

You blow your nose loudly, hehe, yeah, that got their attention. Over to your left, a middle-aged attractive lady gets into a small car. You give her a wolf whistle.
She smiles broadly, and runs over your foot. That hurt.

The Mega-Mart is nearly empty and there is a smell of disinfectant. Everything gleams at you. The advertisements and brightly coloured products seem surreal and intimidating. You seek comfort by walking aimlessly around the aisles. There is a feeling of belonging as you are just another person in the crowd.

You spot a group of teenage girls. They are laughing and using their phones near the bread section.

You make a move.


What do you do?

          Grope an ass.

          Make a proposition


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