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Is She Faking It? | scorcha | 2


The phone rings and rings. You get the feeling no-one's going to answer. Then there's a click and you hear your sister's answering machine pick up. "Hi, this is Amy. Leave a message!"

Damn, you think to yourself, should I go through with this? Curiosity gets the better of you and you start to talk.

"Amy... ah... it's here. I was just calling to talk to you about... something. Gimmie a call sometime, I'm not working this week so-" There's a crackle and you realise someone has picked up at the other end.

"?" Amy sniffs. "Ah, hey! Sorry I didn't answer before, I just didn't feel like talking to anyone."

"Then why are you talking to me now?" you point out with typical brotherly charm.

"You know you're an exception, bro." Her voice sounds all stuffed up, like she's been crying not too recently ago. You decide to use this to your advantage.

"Are you ok, sis? You don't sound so good."

"Oh, yeah, I guess," she sniffs again. "I was just feeling a little lonely that was all. I'm glad you called."

"Having man troubles are we?" you ask, adding a verbal wink.

Sniff. "Well, I guess you could call it that..." she breaks off and you can hear the sound of a nose being blown somewhere at the other end of the line.

"Tell you what, why don't I come over to your place for the day and see if I can cheer you up?" A plan is beginning to form in that canny little mind of yours.

"Oh, ! You don't have to do that! I'll be alright, honest."

"Amy, it's my responsibility as your older brother to look out for you and spoil you on the odd occasion. It's my duty to make sure you're ok. I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Oh, well fine. If you insist." You can tell she's not unhappy about it, even if her voice is loaded with little-sister petulance.

"I do. I'll be there in less than an hour."

"See you then."


"Yeah. Bye."

She hangs up the phone and you put your own down and ponder what you're about to do. Then you head off to have a shower and prepare yourself for what you're hoping to do. You can't resist jacking off while in the shower, and for the first time in your life thoughts of your sister are what drive you to orgasm. Feeling refreshed, you change into some good/casual clothes and collect a few things to take with you. There's a bottle of champagne - your sister's favourite - your wallet (with a few more bills inside than normal), several condoms, some massage oil and a packet of playing cards. The wallet and condoms you pocket, the rest you throw into a plastic bag.

You stop your car on the way across town to pick up half a dozen white roses from your regular florist. The florist, a woman in her late 40s, gives you a knowing look and asks, "Not red ones today, dearie?"

"No," you say simply. You're not in the mood to chat to a florist, and wait impatiently as she wraps them in paper and cellophane.

You finally reach your sister's apartment, parking your car right outside the building for a change. You get out, grab the bag of things and go up to the door. You press the buzzer and wait for your sister to respond.

"Hello?" Amy's voice comes from the speaker above the buzzer.

"Amy, it's me."

"Oh, sure! Come on up!" She sounds quite pleased now that you're here.

You hear the lock on the door click open and hurry upstairs. Amy's waiting for you at her door and when she sees you she opens her arms for a big hug which you willingly walk into. You can't help but smile at the feel of her breasts crushing against your chest, but she thinks you're just pleased to see her. It has been nearly three months since you last saw each other in the flesh, after all. She ushers you inside and tells you to make yourself at home.

You pull the bottle out of your bag. "I brought this," you say lamely, but her cheeks flush with delight and she grabs it off you and prances off to the kitchen saying, "Oh ! You always knew how to spoil your little sister! I'll just put this in the fridge."

You take the opportunity to not only study her cute ass as she leaves the room - she's in jeans and a sweater today - but also to survey the room. There are used tissues strewn around a bit, but it looks like an effort was made to clean the worst up before you got here. There's also a blatant lack of any photographs (other than those of family), which is strange because you know Amy's a big fan of taking photos of her boyfriends.

You have to decide where to take it from here. Should you try and have a talk to your sister about her problems, or get straight to the point at tell her about your own? Or you could work your way towards it slowly, with a massage or some kind of game, or even wine and dine your little sister before you talk about serious things? Or something else?


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