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A Dark and Secret Theatre: Surreal Monster Erotica | sindermann | 3


She had straight black hair that flowed like waves of black of smoke down her bare shoulders. The dress, all seven threads of it, probably cost more than my car. It hugged the curves of her body just as it was supposed to. Whoever made it for her knew that he was licked, and no way anything he did was going to improve on that physique. Her skin was so pale it nearly glowed, the only bright thing in my dark little world I called the office. I wanted to play it cool, play it tough. Instead, I nearly stumbled like a schoolboy as I stood up to shake her hand.

She had the bored look on her face of a woman that is used to guys falling apart just cause she happened to walk to by, or to lean over a little, or probably even just throw away a burger wrapper. She was that kind of dame. She clicked open a cigarette case and fitted it into a long holder, and gracefully poured herself into the chair across from me. It simple chair seemed just as embarassed of itself as I was of it. I sat down, and did my best to ignore her smooth calf as she crossed her legs. I struck a match, and leaned over to light her cigarette for her. Her brilliant blue eyes shown in the flames. I started to sweat, and felt my meat start to twitch in my trousers. Yeah, I was a tough guy, all right.

I sat back in my chair, and shuffled some paper on the desk. "What can I do for you miss..."

"Tanner. Mrs. Carol Tanner." she said, taking a long draw on her cigarette, pushing her breasts up against the dress. By some miracle of the saints, they didn't pop out. "I want you to find my sister. She fell in with a bad crowd and I'm worried about her." The words flowed from her like violins in the moonlight. She could of told me that she was interested in seeing me drive nails into my face with own shoe, and I'd have taken the case, pro-bono.

I asked the usual questions, getting the usual answers. Her sister fell in with a gambler who took her to Vegas. She had a few too many martinis and tripped over her loose morals and fell right onto his prick. Every time Mrs Tanner said words like "slept with" or "groping for answers" my own prick thundered with blood. I thanked her, told her usual crap about it being 20 bucks a day plus expenses, and did my best to stare at the ceiling as she uncoiled herself from my chair and left the room. I watched her perfect, round ass sway back and forth beneath the dress as she opened the office door, and paid Pris. The faint hint of her perfume lingered. I knew it linger for a long time.


what happens next?

          call Pris in to relieve some tension


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