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"Yes" | daregirls21 | 29


"I dare you to...." began Paul, but then Shelly stopped him and whispered something in his ear. Paul looked confused for a moment and then grinned and said "I dare you to go into every room in the house. In each room you must find one object to put inside you. You can use your mouth, your pussy or your ass. You have 20 seconds to get the object in or else Shelly gets to pick the object. It has to stay in you until the end of the dare. If you want to forfeit a room you can by throwing away two articles of clothing permanently."

Everyone except Tanya gasped at this incredibly elaborate dare. Shelly must have been thinking of that for awhile.

"That's pretty harsh" said Keith.

"If she doesn't want to do then she can just go home" said Shelly with a nasty tone.

Tanya tried to take that as an order and leave, but found she couldn't. Trapped in her own body again. Nobody else protested, and even Keith seemed eager to have her begin.

"Fine" said Tanya, trying to play it off casually "but you guys are a bunch of perverts"

They were in the dining room and Tanya quickly grabbed a mint from the table and popped it into her mouth. "One room down. Lead the way Shelly".

Shelly took her into the next room which was the living room. Quickly Tanya scanned the room for something small. If she could fit it all into her mouth then maybe she could stay dressed awhile longer.

Nothing popped out at her though, all she saw were couch's and lamps. She saw a pencil and picked it up...

"20 seconds are up" said Shelly. "I choose... this!" she said, holding up a large taper candle.

"I'll take the forfeit" said Tanya, taking off her socks and putting her shoes back on.

"Sorry, socks are a pair, they only count as one item" said Paul.

Tanya sighed and took off her shoes. They were expensive and she wanted them back, but not enough to lose her pants over it.

The living room lead into the hallway, which thankfully they didn't count. And then into the master bedroom.

This time Tanya was determined to find something quickly, and she did, opening up the bedside drawer she found the parents small vibrator. Without a second thought she popped it into her mouth, not even taking a moment to clean it.

Everyone began laughing at her and she felt a blush coming on. She hated this situation, but there was nothing to be done about it.

Next was the downstairs bathroom. Easy - in moments she had a toothbrush in her mouth as well. She couldn't talk anymore but so what.

Back into the hallway and upstairs to a long row of rooms.

First, a guest bedroom. Tanya began to panic in here, the place was spotless. She opened drawers but found nothing except sewing supplies, all to sharp to go inside her.

"Times’ up" smirked Shelly, who choose a random sock she found under the bed.

Tanya thought about it. If she stripped, she'd not only be naked then, but she'd lose the cloths for the rest of the night. So she shoved the sock in her mouth. It tasted nasty as hell, and she regretted her decision instantly in the next room. Which was an office.

Pens everywhere! But there was no room in her mouth, so she pulled down her pants silently, unable to talk. The men all stopped there laughing and stared at her like she was meat. Shelly for her part had a superior smirk on her face.

She was just about to push the pen into her vagina when Shelly said

"Time's up!" Said Shelly, holding up a novelty sized marker.

Tanya looked at her in disbelief and looked around the room for support. But now that she was half naked nobody seemed to be on her side.

"Shelly's right" said Paul. "If you don't have it in you in the 20 seconds it's no good."

Tanya grunted and then kicked her underwear and pants towards the trashcan.

Fine she was naked for now. What the hell, it wasn't the worst she'd done so far. She had just gotten used to having cloths and semi-friends around. But what the hell.

The next room was the baby's room, and Tanya couldn't bear the thought of doing something so twisted, so she went topless.

The guys all cheered as she took off her bra, and Tanya was red from the waist up. She couldn't stand to look at anyone so she kept her head down.

Now she was completely naked, and two more rooms to go.

Paul's room she went straight for the bedside table, hoping to find something small. Inside the table she found condoms. "Perfect!" she thought. And started to rip one open... too slow.

"Time!" Said Shelly, with glee.

She reached behind the xbox in the corner and pulled out a long pipe, still full of weed.

"Here ya go!" said Shelly.

Tanya glared at her. Her mouth was dry from the sock in it. She couldn't put something with salvia and ... ugh.

"Fine" she thought to herself and got leaned onto the bed and pushed it into her ass. The metal tip was cold and felt violating. Her body tried to expel it, but she clenched it in.

She looked up and glared at Shelly, wanting to cry inside.

The final room was the bathroom. Tanya again grabbed a toothbrush and tried desperately to squeeze it into her mouth. She must have looked insane, her mouth bursting with crap, holding onto the pipe with her other hand, naked in front of a bunch of guys and one evil evil girl. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, but ignored it. The guys all staring at her, there eyes not sure where to look.

... and she made it! Two toothbrushes in her mouth, sticking out like Fangs she looked defiantly at Shelly.

Shelly nodded, and led her downstairs to the bathroom.

Tanya was in shock, she'd forgotten about the kitchen. She couldn't think for a moment she was so devastated...

Then she reached into the kitchen utensils and pulled out a fork... she tried to get it into her vagina but the metal was cold and she dropped it...

"Times up" said Shelly, who walked casually over and pulled out a gigantic cucumber.

Tanya's mouth would have dropped if it could... there was terror in her eyes, but the guys all just looked at her.

What a slut she must have seemed like. They thought she was doing this for fun!

"Tell ya what. I'll let you off of the cucumber if you agree to do another dare from Shelly" said Paul.

Tanya didn’t know if Paul was doing it out of kindness, or cruelty but she looked at the cucumber again and quickly Tanya.

With relief she began to take objects out of her, until all she was naked.

She closed her eyes wishing she was someplace else.

Shelly thought for awhile and then said “ I dare you….


Shelly's Dare

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