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A Lost Identity: Sex Fugitive | Anarchy4all | 17


As you head for the door, you think, 'If I walk out now, I may never see her again, and may never learn what she may know about me.' Thinking it might be awkward with her, you turn to Regina and say, "Regina, I got some stuff I got to do on my own, mind heading back without me? I'll try not to be gone for six months again."

"Alright," she responds, "but if you do have to be gone a while, don't expect such a warm welcome back."

Regina gives you a quick peck before heading out and hailing the passing cab. You approach the girl at the counter, and stop abruptly when you finally realize, 'I still don't know if this woman is out for blood or why she's ignoring me.' You notice her sleeves are rolled up now that Rocky brought out something for her to eat, meaning the breaker's a little big on her and it might get into her food. On her left wrist is a watch, meaning this woman is more than likely right handed, and realize you can use this to stay safe. You continue your walk right up to the counter and sit to this woman's left, over one seat, giving you an unobstructed view of both her hands, as long as she keeps her back straight.

Without even looking at you she says, "I thought I made it clear we couldn't be seen in public anymore, , or are you using a different name now?" 'Using a different name?' you think to yourself, 'Of course, that's why doesn't feel right: I use fake names. Shit, I don't know who knows me as what anymore or if is even my real name. I really need to pick my battles until I get some clue to my identity, otherwise I'm going to expose a truth to a shit load of people.' Okay, that was a plus, you remembered you've told a shit load of people various fake names, but that doesn't explain who you are or why this woman can't be seen in public with you.

"Well," you respond hoping to get an answer, "perhaps if you restate why we can't be seen together I'd leave."

"Yeah, you need a reminder of why, very funny."

Okay, subtlety isn't helping you, time to go obvious. This makes it clear, something would happen to both of you or just one of you if you two were seen; she's ignoring you to protect one or both of you, she's not a threat. "Actually, I do need a reminder, for everything. I can't remember anything, everything I know about myself is something I learned from others."

She looks at you out of the corner of her eyes, trying to figure out if your telling the truth, before saying, "You're not bluffing."

"Why the sudden change of heart?"

"You always sport wood when you talk to me, right now your tent hasn't been pitched. You must be telling the truth."

Looking down, you notice she's right, you aren't erect, by some miracle, though you never thought your penis would be used as a tell.

"Listen, we can't talk here, just remember the code I gave you and meet me there at four in the morning, it's pretty simple, just think about it, I know you can do it."

With that, she gets up, throws down some cash for the meal and walks out. The code, the phone number, but what the hell does it mean. You look at the clock, it's three in the morning, giving you one hour to solve it and get there.


Can you do it?

          Just stay calm and think


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