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Aphrodite of the Sea | Anarchy4all | 1


Ah, the salty sea breeze, the gentle rocking of the boat, and the sound of nothing but waves and sea life, there is no better feeling than the feeling you get when you're deep sea fishing. You've been at this for years, actually having gotten pretty good at it, but still never landing anything worth mounting on the wall at home. Last year, you almost caught this huge swordfish, but a shark landed it before you and took half of your fishing line with him. This year, you're determined to catch a big swordfish, even bigger than the one that shark got. So far, this trip has only landed you a few small and common fish, but you're not giving up. This is all about patience, and the years you spent doing this has given you plenty of that.

Suddenly, you feel a force on the bottom of your boat, elevating the port bow noticeably. You go to look at what caused it, trying to steady yourself all the while. You look under the front of the ship and notice something big beneath it, something with a fish's tail. You go to run back to your rod and hope you can land whatever the hell just hoisted part of your boat up, but before taking two steps, whatever it was went back under, dropping the port bow all of a sudden. The sudden drop and your shifts in weight that were supposed to help keep you up cause you to fall into the ocean. Now you have a problem, you didn't lower the ladder, so you'd need to climb on a whale or hitch a ride on a dolphin to make it back up to the deck of your boat. Down here, you can't even call for help, your only real hope is another boat passing by soon and noticing you. You wait for what seems like an eternity, until finally, you're too tired to tread water anymore. As you sink to a watery grave, you black out, wishing for a miracle to save you.

When you open your eyes, you see a what can only be described as an angel, probably because it is. Her wet blonde hair hugs her down to the small of her back and up to the ends of her B-cup breasts. Her deep gray eyes seem to hypnotize you into a trance, and her beautiful face serves only to help the hypnotism. Finally seeing your awake, she suddenly hugs you and says, "Thank goodness your alright, I thought you were going to die."

"Wait," you say to her, "I'm not dead? This isn't heaven?"

"Nope," she says, "I was able to give you that FAP thing I read about, and get you on this island."


"Yeah, I push the water out of you and breathe air into your lungs, that thing."

"Oh, you mean EAR."

"Uh, maybe, books are generally faded when I get them."

"Okay. Now, what happened, and who are you?"

"Oh well, I was swimming along just looking for a clam and I saw this shadow cast over the sea floor. I looked up, saw you drowning, and got you above water, then I got you onto this island and did that thing while I waited for you to wake up. And I like to call myself Aphrodite, after that Greek goddess."

You definitely agree with her choice in nicknames, she is a goddess, but something still strikes you as odd. "Wait, if you were diving, why didn't you take me onto your boat? Or are you a hermit who lives on this island?" The later makes more sense after she mentions the books she reads are faded, they wash up on shore, so the text would naturally be faded.

"Neither, it will probably save time if you try sitting up and looking me up and down." She doesn't have to ask you twice. You bolt upright, and are utterly stunned at what you see. Aphrodite has the breasts and face of a goddess, but she doesn't have legs, she has a fish's tail. Aphrodite's a mermaid.


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