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Anything is possible | redrooster | 4


It is pretty boring lying behind a sofa. I had been there for nearly an hour when the door to my office opened. Sally walked in and locked the door behind her. She clicked on my desk light, sat herself behind my desk and turned on the pc. I had changed all my passwords that morning. She looked a bit puzzled and frustrated when she could not get into it. She kept trying for a few minutes before giving up.

She opened my desk drawers and started rummaging through. There are a lot of reports in there but its all pretty much company specific. She must have realized this as she barely glanced at anything. When she came to my bottom drawer she did pause. Inside was a little black leather bag. She lifted it out onto the desk and unzipped it. It contained a few fun items that Lisa, my head of HR had given me one Christmas when we had a very enjoyable day reprimanding a rather attractive salesgirl who had been falsifying sales data to increase her bonus payment but that is another story.

Sally emptied the bag onto the desk. It contained duct tape, a red ball gag, hand cuffs, a couple of butt plugs, nipple clamps and a flexible black dildo. She laughed and put a hand over her mouth.

In my top drawer she had found a bunch of keys. These were to my private filing cabinets. I was surprised she had not just headed straight for them, as she knew the keys were always in my desk. Not that they would be after today.

She opened the top draw and started going through the files. I quietly rose to my feet and crept up behind her. "Found what you are looking for?" I asked.

She spun around to face me with a gasp. She had a look of surprise on her face, her mouth frozen into an open "O". She was wearing a pink shiny lipstick and quite a lot of well applied make up. Her outfit was a two piece matching jacket and skirt in a well cut tweed. On her feet she wore simple black high heels.

She was speechless for a moment and then managed, " I thought you were out sir."

"Obviously," I said nothing more, enjoying her discomfort as the silence stretched. At last I said, "what were you doing?"

She looked evasive and after a few moments trying to think of something she visibly slumped. "I was looking through your personal files."

"You're in deep shit Sally," I said and drew out the photos of her with my wife. She blanched and stumbled to my chair and sat down. "That's my chair Sally. Stand up!" I barked and she jumped to her feet. I walked past her and sat down. "The very least I can do to you is fire you and ensure that you never get a job better than washing dishes or waitressing again. I don't know the legal position but taking bribes to spy on your employer must have some consequence. Shall I call the company lawyer to find out how much time inside you can expect?"

"Please sir. Don't. I'm sorry I didn't mean..."

I cut her off, my voice angry. "Don't give me that. You did mean to. You wanted money. My money. Well, I expect there are plenty of butch dykes who'll enjoy getting their hands on you in prison". I was enjoying myself and her obvious anguish. I had a hard on because I had every intention of milking the situation to my advantage.

"Please," she was staring to cry, "I'm so sorry." She started to wail and sniffle. I passed her my handkerchief. She stood there crying and sobbing into it for a couple of minutes. In the end she blew her nose and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry," she said her voice a little steadier. She made as if to head for the chair across my desk.

"Don't move," I said, "don't do a thing unless I tell you to." My voice was cold and hard.

She froze. She looked like she might cry again but managed to hold it in, "Are you going to call the police?" she asked.


Shall I?

          I let her think I will.


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