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A Dark and Secret Theatre: Surreal Monster Erotica | sindermann | 2


Danielle Reilly cursed her GPS system. The rythmic thump thump of her windshield washers threatened to lull her to sleep in the this dreary, drizzly weather. She was, as far as she was concerned, at the edge of nowhere. She turned on the overhead light in her sleek, imported car and glanced at the directions her uncle had written out. She tried her cellphone, although she wasn't shocked at all to see that she wasn't getting anything on it either.

Dani was tired from the long drive. She had left Boston 3 hours earlier, and was now hugging the coastline of rural Maine looking for her aunt's hometown of Millhaven. The weather was damp, but warm. She glanced back down at the map, and wondered how long "a few miles in the woods, and then you are there." meant. She felt like she'd been staring at trees forever.

Suddenly, a huge animal darted out in front of her. Dani screamed and slammed on the brakes. Dani cringed as her car slid on the wet pavement and the front tires went off the road and into the mud, stopping mere inches from an old, huge pine tree.
She sat there, her chest heaving as she clamped onto the wheel so hard her knuckles hurt.

Finally, she sighed and tried to back up. Unfortunately for her, she had front wheel drive, and her sleek, Japanese tires just churned up mud and didn't move. She let her head fall onto the wheel in dispair. Her green eyes began to well up with tears.
"Won't this stupid day ever end?" she said to herself, more defeated than angry.
She caught some movement in the rear view mirror...


What does she see?

          logging truck

          the "animal"


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