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The Favor | Ardunt | 18


I think about turning in early what a freaking day this has been. Then I hear the shuffle of feet and turn to see Dad Sanders and Robert. "Time for that little talk and walk, ." Dad Sanders says.

We head out and over the bridge our footsteps echoing in the structure over it. I remember Melanie and I drove through this on our way in that day and on the other side of it we stop.

Dad Sanders puts his hand on my shoulder, "," he starts, "first off let me tell you I really like you. Not because I want to soften you up for the possibility of making my daughter happy, but as a man."

"Thank you sir." I say.

His eyebrow goes up and then he sighs letting his hand go off my shoulder. "You see there was a sister younger than Melanie and well, since her death three years ago we just do not utter her name. It would be wrong. This bridge used to be just a simple bridge, but after the accident, I build this."

He leads me over to the entrance and there etched into the wood is the words, "Dedicated to our loving daughter, sister and friend...Delila."

"Now you know her name and I did not have to utter it. You see she was young, you know how young girls are and well very wild, she really went against the grain so to speak. One night she was coming home and drove off the bridge. She died here and sorry to say we feel she is still here. The only times her ghost shows up is if you utter her name."

I felt the hairs on my neck raise and gooseflesh bump but then my rational mind kicked in and I just turned to him and said, "I am sorry for your loss."

"Us too, Melanie feels she should have been there for her and it put her in a two year tail spin that is why I encouraged her to go and work. It got her away from here and a different focus. Craig could not handle that, but you , I think I see a very strong man in there who really does feel something for my daughter."

Smiling at him I just listen.

Turning to Robert I say, "You know Robert, maybe what you need is an older woman, someone already established not looking for more children. Have you ever thought of that?"

"No." he says flatly.

"I do not mean to pry but I know of someone, she lives just out of the city but, maybe she is worth a call for you?"

"Maybe." he says looking like he is getting pissed off.

"You know that is not a bad idea son." Dad Sanders says. "What could be the harm, the girls around here are either afraid of the ghost story or not really what you need. Sometimes you have to go off the farm to find your gal. Remember, that is how I found your mother."

Robert looks at me and then his father and then says, "Okay, sure."

Smiling the three of us enter the bridge again and walk back to the house. Robert and I head to the barn where we will be sleeping. I look at the modest bed and am about to turn in when Robert pops his head over the stall gate.

"Hey John," he starts, "you have the number of that gal you were talking about earlier?"

"Sure Robert." I answer flipping my phone out and looking up her number. "It's 301-555-1234."

"Thanks, oh, um do you two have a history or something I need to know about?"

"Oh no, she was a client, a nasty case of the hospital trying to get more money out of her after the death of her husband. She could have lost her modest estate. She has a son and daughter both mid teens, good kids on the whole. Solid woman if you want my opinion."

I watch him take out his phone and walk outside and call.

Not a bad day I muse to myself, had a great drive up. Melanie is sure a fine woman and I am finding I am more interested in her than I realized from our contact before this little arrangement. Looking around I wonder do I dare say the name, feeling silly for even thinking such things I turn in.


Say her name?



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