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Absolute Power | Anarchy4all | 7


With confidence in your voice, you say, "Well, if you're so skeptical, let's just head out to the parking lot and see." "Yeah, let's," Sarah replies smugly. You lead Sarah to the emergency exit closest to the parking lot, and wish the alarm broken, so it won't go off if the door is opened. About halfway there, you ask, "In fact, how about we skip the rest of our classes and just enjoy the day? If you can get me back by the last bell, I should be able to pick up my car without drawing any attention."

"Yea- wait." Sarah says with an annoyed look on her face. "I know what you're doing, James. You are not getting me in trouble again."

You try to explain, "Sarah, I swear -"

"You tell me there's some great gift that you left out in the parking lot, use my skepticism to walk out there, and lead me to an emergency exit. No doubt you just parked right outside the exit and the moment we open the door, the alarm sounds and we have to jump into your car to not get caught. And then, since we already left school, you suggest we 'just enjoy the day.' You pulled that scam once, and we got detention for a week after the next day at school, remember?"

'Oh yeah,' you think to yourself, 'I pulled that scam once already with her.' You need a way to prove it isn't a set-up, and you'd rather not use your powers on Sarah (for things like this at least). Luckily, you come up with a half-decent way to, after a little wishing of course.

"Okay, what if I prove the alarm won't go off in a no-risk for us manner?" you ask.


"Well, the reason I know it won't go off is because I heard Nick say he was going to ditch before math so he can skip a test, and that he disabled this door's alarm so he could leave quickly. If we watch the door from the stairs, we can learn the truth and no one will believe we attempted to ditch if I'm wrong. How's that sound?"

Sarah's pissed look tells all, and you decide it's time to resort to the beat all. "Alright, fine little-lady, let's bet on it. If one of us or Nick doesn't successfully walk out that door or there isn't a brand-new, never-been-registered-before-I-bought-it Lamborghini in the parking lot, I will strip myself nude, on the spot, and run around the school halls until the last bell or until I'm caught. However, if we and Nick make it out safely and there is the previously mentioned Lamborghini in the lot, not only do you have to hit the town with me, you also have to strip before entering the car... and let me decide what you get to wear when you get out of the car. And keep in mind, I put a few outfits in the back seat. Agreed?"

Sarah looks at you, mouth agape, eyes wide. As you try to figure out if it's more because of how boldly you spoke or how harshly, she gets over the initial shock. After a quick apology about how harsh you came down, Sarah opens her mouth to speak.


What does she say?

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