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"Yes" | daregirls21 | 25


Tanya was dismayed by her new orders but she went about it willingly. The cold water wasn't much of a challenge after all that she had been through that day.

She was still on auto-piolt as she apologized to Rick, but Ms. Jenkins glare was harder to ignore.

Finally she got out of the house, and went down the street. Once she was a block away she stopped and got away from the road and stripped naked. It was an empty street but she was scared of being seen nontheless.

He hadn't speficifed, so her body forced her to take off her shoes as well, making it difficult to stay back in the trees. At first it was easy to stay hidden, but as she got closer to home she got more and more frightened. The houses got closer together and finally there was no place to hide, she had two choices, she could got through backyards and hope nobody looked out there window, or she could run down the street which would be faster, but she could be seen by either a car or the front windows.

Her heart was racing a mile a miniate and she leaned up against a tree. She could feel the bark against her ass, which still felt strange from having been violated eariler that evening.

She decided to go through the backyards. It was midnight, nobody was around, how bad could it be? Who would be looking out there window at this time of night.

At first it was a fairly quick run, the backyards in her community were well mantained and all the lights were off.

Then she got to the Pikes. One light was on upstairs, and she came up to the chainlink fence.

She breathed in deeply, now was not the time to hesitate she told herself, as she saw the road in the distance and a car pulling away.

She threw her cloths over the fence and began to climb. She lept off the top... and landed in dog crap!

"Fuck" she said aloud, then covered her mouth. It had only gotten on one foot but it was nasty as hell, and more importantly, it broke her out of her auto-piolt mentality.

She picked up her cloths, which had thankfully escaped the poo and began to run again.

When she looked up through, she saw a naked boy running out the back door of the Pike house.

"What the hell?" she thought, and wanted to scream but she stifled herself.

When he saw her though, he didn't have as much willpower, he turned around and opened the door again and said somthing she couldn't hear.

Tanya decided to keep running, but hadn't made it across the yard when she heard a voice call out "Hey, what are ya doing?"

She turned around to see 3 guys and one girl, the guy who had been naked a moment before was pulling on some undies, and the other two had beers in there hands, although they didn't look nearly old enough for it.

"Umm, playing truth or dare" she said.

"Hey, us too!" said the shortest of the guys. "Where's everyone else in your group, they could join us..."

"It's just me" said Tanya truthfully.

"Aww still... this is a bit too homoerotic for me as it is. All Shelly here will do is make out with her boyfriend." He said, indicating the gothic girl standing next to the previous naked guy. She had a huge chest and heavy dark makeup.

"Why don't you dress and come on and play with us. We have beer and Paul's parents are out of town."


First dare

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