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1. "Build a Sex Demon(ess) by kwill81


Category: SciFi/Fantasy    POV: 3rd Person, Both Male and Female    Mode: Open

Deepest Thread: 14     Rating/Votes: 0.3/36     Views: 1     Added: Jul 01, 2009     Updated: Jan 19, 2022 09:32 AM

Call IMP INC for all your demon(ess) needs.

2. "Castaways" by kwill81


Category: Swingers    POV: 3rd Person, Both Male and Female    Mode: Open

Deepest Thread: 5     Rating/Votes: 0.6/9     Views:     Added: Dec 18, 2008     Updated: Mar 18, 2011 09:31 PM

One woman, Five men

3. A Spooky House by kwill81


Category: SciFi/Fantasy    POV: 3rd Person, Female    Mode: Open

Deepest Thread: 51     Rating/Votes: 0.1/174     Views:     Added: Sep 11, 2008     Updated: Apr 22, 2017 05:11 AM

Lost like an idiot in the woods

4. Dark Shadows by kwill81


Category: Fan Fiction    POV: 1st Person, Both Male and Female    Mode: Open

Deepest Thread: 1     Rating/Votes: 3.0/2     Views:     Added: Apr 19, 2009     Updated: May 08, 2011 08:58 AM

A Dark Shadows Fan Fiction

5. The Genie of the Dildo by kwill81


Category: Mind Control    POV: 1st Person, Female    Mode: Open

Deepest Thread: 14     Rating/Votes: 0.2/21     Views:     Added: Sep 16, 2008     Updated: Aug 06, 2011 12:17 PM

A good girl goes wild with power